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Last Saved: 05/24/2014 09:19:39 AM

Topps English Football 1979

Alastair Dow
Joined: 08/31/2011
Status: Swaps Swap!
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Silver 2nd Swapper for album !
 Details: Footballer (Pale blue backs). A set comprising individual footballers from the First and Second Divisions. Cards 376 to 396 are Team Checklists. The cards have '© 1979 Topps Chewing Gum Inc.' printed on the back.
  Book: 1


Card  1 to 396 Show / Hide
14 Nicholl, 36 Jones, 38 Holmes, 48 Brown, 69 Lyons, 103 Daniel, 106 Perryman, 118 Bailey, 128 Little, 131 McAllister, 132 Armstrong, 172 Osman, 188 Moseley, 193 Gray, 195 Hibbit, 230 Mills, 276 Shearer, 278 Funnell, 284 Thompson, 295 Bonds, 296 Dalglish, 300 McQueen, 331 Holmes, 379 Bristol City Team Checklist, 380 Chelsea Team Checklist

Number Needed: 25 wanted

Card  1 to 396 Show / Hide
12 Powell, 22 Duncan, 27 Gray, 39 Hunter, 53 Hampton, 60 Ritchie, 65 Johnston, 77 Stanley, 86 Nulty, 88 McKenzie, 89 Brown, 94 Owen, 95 Bowles, 101 Checklist, 111 Neighbour, 114 Barrowclough, 125 Brooking, 143 Wood, 144 Kember, 154 Grimes, 165 Graham, 166 Buckley, 167 McAndrew, 168 Smith, 194 Nicholl, 197 Towers, 199 Hilaire, 202 Langley, 205 Boyer, 209 Stewart, 215 Bertschin, 220 Buchan, 221 Birtles, 222 Harris, 226 Tarantini, 227 Smith, 234 Lawrenson, 236 Power, 241 Oakley, 243 Johnston, 252 Patching, 264 Gillespie, 267 Middleton, 270 Burns, 271 Hibbitt, 273 Biley, 280 Cantello, 290 Ardiles, 294 Beattie, 305 Keagan, 310 Richards, 316 Shanks, 323 Robson, 332 Fuccillo, 334 Thomas, 338 Dennis, 339 Jenkins, 354 Garland, 356 McCreery, 358 Devonshire, 359 Williams, 370 McIlroy, 377 Birmingham City Team Checklist, 389 Middlesborough Team Checklist

Number of swaps: 64 + 2 = 66

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